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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 16 of 73 (21%)
upon its "inside" surface, which has ever since been the
habitation of the "chosen."

They who were driven out of the "Garden of Eden" brought their
traditional history with them.

The history of the people living "within" contains a narrative
suggesting the story of Noah and the ark with which we are
familiar. He sailed away, as did Columbus, from a certain port,
to a strange land he had heard of far to the northward,
carrying with him all manner of beasts of the fields and fowls of
the air, but was never heard of afterward.

On the northern boundaries of Alaska, and still more frequently
on the Siberian coast, are found boneyards containing tusks of
ivory in quantities so great as to suggest the burying-places of
antiquity. From Olaf Jansen's account, they have come from the
great prolific animal life that abounds in the fields and
forests and on the banks of numerous rivers of the Inner World.
The materials were caught in the ocean currents, or were carried
on ice-floes, and have accumulated like driftwood on the Siberian
coast. This has been going on for ages, and hence these
mysterious bone-yards.

On this subject William F. Warren, in his book already cited,
pages 297 and 298, says: "The Arctic rocks tell of a lost
Atlantis more wonderful than Plato's. The fossil ivory beds of
Siberia excel everything of the kind in the world. From the
days of Pliny, at least, they have constantly been undergoing
exploitation, and still they are the chief headquarters of
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