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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 18 of 73 (24%)
put into this Russian town of Uleaborg at the time of my birth,
being the twenty-seventh day of October, 1811.

My father, Jens Jansen, was born at Rodwig on the Scandinavian
coast, near the Lofoden Islands, but after marrying made his home
at Stockholm, because my mother's people resided in that city.
When seven years old, I began going with my father on his fishing
trips along the Scandinavian coast.

Early in life I displayed an aptitude for books, and at the age
of nine years was placed in a private school in Stockholm,
remaining there until I was fourteen. After this I made regular
trips with my father on all his fishing voyages.

My father was a man fully six feet three in height, and weighed
over fifteen stone, a typical Norseman of the most rugged sort,
and capable of more endurance than any other man I have ever
known. He possessed the gentleness of a woman in tender little
ways, yet his determination and will-power were beyond
description. His will admitted of no defeat.

I was in my nineteenth year when we started on what proved to be
our last trip as fishermen, and which resulted in the strange
story that shall be given to the world,-- but not until I have
finished my earthly pilgrimage.

I dare not allow the facts as I know them to be published while I
am living, for fear of further humiliation, confinement and
suffering. First of all, I was put in irons by the captain of the
whaling vessel that rescued me, for no other reason than that I
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