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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 25 of 73 (34%)
where dwell the gods and their kindred, and from that abode
work out so many wondrous things both on the earth and in the
heavens above it. There is in that city a place called
Illidskjalf, and when Odin is seated there upon his lofty throne
he sees over the whole world and discerns all the actions of

My youthful imagination was fired by the ardor, zeal and
religious fervor of my good father, and I exclaimed: "Why not
sail to this goodly land? The sky is fair, the wind favorable
and the sea open."

Even now I can see the expression of pleasurable surprise on his
countenance as he turned toward me and asked: "My son, are you
willing to go with me and explore -- to go far beyond where man
has ever ventured?" I answered affirmatively. "Very well," he
replied. "May the god Odin protect us!" and, quickly adjusting
the sails, he glanced at our compass, turned the prow in due
northerly direction through an open channel, and our voyage had

[6 Hall writes, on page 288: "On the 23rd of
January the two Esquimaux, accompanied by two of the seamen, went
to Cape Lupton. They reported a sea of open water extending
as far as the eye could reach."]

The sun was low in the horizon, as it was still the early summer.
Indeed, we had almost four months of day ahead of us before the
frozen night could come on again.

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