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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
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the High Priest in perfect shape, just as it had been taken from
the waters that day when it was loaded on board the ship by the
people who discovered us on the river more than a year before.

"We were given an audience of over two hours with this great
dignitary, who seemed kindly disposed and considerate. He showed
himself eagerly interested, asking us numerous questions, and
invariably regarding things about which his emissaries had failed
to inquire.

At the conclusion of the interview he inquired our pleasure,
asking us whether we wished to remain in his country or if we
preferred to return to the "outer" world, providing it were
possible to make a successful return trip, across the frozen belt
barriers that encircle both the northern and southern openings of
the earth.

My father replied: "It would please me and my son to visit your
country and see your people, your colleges and palaces of music
and art, your great fields, your wonderful forests of timber; and
after we have had this pleasurable privilege, we should like to
try to return to our home on the 'outside' surface of the earth.
This son is my only child, and my good wife will be weary
awaiting our return."

"I fear you can never return," replied the Chief High Priest,
"because the way is a most hazardous one. However, you shall
visit the different countries with Jules Galdea as your escort,
and be accorded every courtesy and kindness. Whenever you are
ready to attempt a return voyage, I assure you that your boat
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