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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
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discoverer, and for having made the voyage that now promised a
successful end. I was grateful, too, that he had gathered the
wealth of gold we were carrying home.

While congratulating ourselves on the goodly supply of provisions
and water we still had on hand, and on the dangers we had
escaped, we were startled by hearing a most terrific explosion,
caused by the tearing apart of a huge mountain of ice. It was
a deafening roar like the firing of a thousand cannon. We were
sailing at the time with great speed, and happened to be near a
monstrous iceberg which to all appearances was as immovable as a
rockbound island. It seemed, however, that the iceberg had split
and was breaking apart, whereupon the balance of the monster
along which we were sailing was destroyed, and it began dipping
from us. My father quickly anticipated the danger before I
realized its awful possibilities. The iceberg extended down into
the water many hundreds of feet, and, as it tipped over, the
portion coming up out of the water caught our fishing-craft like
a lever on a fulcrum, and threw it into the air as if it had
been a foot-ball.

Our boat fell back on the iceberg, that by this time had changed
the side next to us for the top. My father was still in the boat,
having become entangled in the rigging, while I was thrown some
twenty feet away.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and shouted to my father, who
answered: "All is well." Just then a realization dawned upon me.
Horror upon horror! The blood froze in my veins. The iceberg was
still in motion, and its great weight and force in toppling
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