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The Smoky God, or, a voyage to the inner world by Willis George Emerson
page 71 of 73 (97%)

La Chambre, in an account of Andree's balloon expedition, on
page 144, says: "On the isle of Amsterdam the snow is
tinted with red for a considerable distance, and the savants are
collecting it to examine it microscopically. It presents, in
fact, certain peculiarities; it is thought that it contains very
small plants. Scoresby, the famous whaler, had already remarked

Beyond question, this new land "within" is the home, the cradle,
of the human race, and viewed from the standpoint of the
discoveries made by us, must of necessity have a most important
bearing on all physical, paleontological, archaeological,
philological and mythological theories of antiquity.

The same idea of going back to the land of mystery -- to the very
beginning -- to the origin of man -- is found in Egyptian
traditions of the earlier terrestrial regions of the gods, heroes
and men, from the historical fragments of Manetho, fully verified
by the historical records taken from the more recent excavations
of Pompeii as well as the traditions of the North American

It is now one hour past midnight -- the new year of 1908 is here,
and this is the third day thereof, and having at last finished
the record of my strange travels and adventures I wish given to
the world, I am ready, and even longing, for the peaceful rest
which I am sure will follow life's trials and vicissitudes. I am
old in years, and ripe both with adventures and sorrows, yet rich
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