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The Birds by Aristophanes
page 17 of 126 (13%)

What for?

Because you formerly were a man, like we are, formerly you had
debts, as we have, formerly you did not want to pay them, like
ourselves; furthermore, being turned into a bird, you have when flying
seen all lands and seas. Thus you have all human knowledge as well
as that of birds. And hence we have come to you to beg you to direct
us to some cosy town, in which one can repose as if on thick coverlets.

And are you looking for a greater city than Athens?

No, not a greater, but one more pleasant to dwell in.

Then you are looking for an aristocratic country.

I? Not at all! I hold the son of Scellias in horror.[1]

f[1] His name was Aristocrates; he was a general and commanded
a fleet sent in aid of Corcyra.

But, after all, what sort of city would please you best?

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