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The Birds by Aristophanes
page 23 of 126 (18%)
By earth! by snares! by network![1] I never heard of anything
more cleverly conceived; and, if the other birds approve, I am going
to build the city along with you.

f[1] He swears by the powers that are to him dreadful.

Who will explain the matter to them?

You must yourself. Before I came they were quite ignorant, but
since I have lived with them I have taught them to speak.

But how can they be gathered together?

Easily. I will hasten down to the coppice to waken my dear Procne![1]
as soon as they hear our voices, they will come to us hot wing.

f[1] As already stated, according to the legend accepted by Aristophanes,
it was Procne who was turned into the nightengale.

My dear bird, lose no time, I beg. Fly at once into the coppice
and awaken Procne.

Chase off drowsy sleep, dear companion. Let the sacred hymn gush
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