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The Birds by Aristophanes
page 9 of 126 (07%)

f[1] Literally, 'to go to the crows,' a proverbial expression
equivalent to our 'going to the devil.'
f[2] They leave Athens because of their hatred of lawsuits and informers;
this is the especial failing of the Athenians satirized in 'The Wasps.'
f[3] Myrtle boughs were used in sacrifices, and the founding of every
colony was started by a sacrifice.

Here! look!

What's the matter?

Why, the crow has been pointing me to something up there for some
time now.

And the jay is also opening its beak and craning its neck to show
me I know not what. Clearly, there are some birds about here.
We shall soon know, if we kick up a noise to start them.

Do you know what to do? Knock your leg against this rock.

And you your head to double the noise.

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