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The Last Stetson by John Fox
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Jasper's sister, and the last of the name, loved and believed Rome,
went with him. Marcums and Braytons who had taken sides in the
fight hid in the bushes around Hazlan, or climbed over into
Virginia. A railroad started up the Cumberland. "Furriners came
in to buy wild lands and get out timber. Civilization began to press
over the mountains and down on Hazlan, as it had pressed in on
Breathitt, the seat of another feud, in another county. In Breathitt
the feud was long past, and with good reason old Gabe thought
that it was done in Hazlan.

But that autumn a panic started over from England. It stopped the
railroad far down the Cumberland; it sent the "furriners" home,
and drove civilization back. Marcums and Braytons came in from
hiding, and drifted one by one to the old fighting-ground. In time
they took up the old quarrel, and with Steve Marcum and Steve
Brayton as leaders, the old Stetson-Lewallen feud went on, though
but one soul was left in the mountains of either name. That was
Isom, a pale little fellow whom Rome had left in old Gabe's care;
and he, though a Stetson and a half-brother to Rome, was not
counted, because he was only a boy and a foundling, and because
his ways were queer.

There was no open rupture, no organized division-that might
happen no more. The mischief was individual now, and
ambushing was more common. Certain men were looking for
each other, and it was a question of "draw-in' quick 'n' shootin'
quick" when the two met by accident, or of getting the advantage
"from the bresh."

In time Steve Marcum had come face to face with old Steve
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