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Real Soldiers of Fortune by Richard Harding Davis
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Real Soldiers of Fortune

by Richard Harding Davis


ANY sunny afternoon, on Fifth Avenue, or at night in the _table
d'hote_ restaurants of University Place, you may meet the soldier
of fortune who of all his brothers in arms now living is the most
remarkable. You may have noticed him; a stiffly erect,
distinguished-looking man, with gray hair, an imperial of the
fashion of Louis Napoleon, fierce blue eyes, and across his
forehead a sabre cut.

This is Henry Ronald Douglas MacIver, for some time in India an
ensign in the Sepoy mutiny; in Italy, lieutenant under Garibaldi; in
Spain, captain under Don Carlos; in our Civil War, major in the
Confederate army; in Mexico, lieutenant-colonel under the
Emperor Maximilian; colonel under Napoleon III, inspector of
cavalry for the Khedive of Egypt, and chief of cavalry and general
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