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Notes of a War Correspondent by Richard Harding Davis
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burning deck whence all but him had fled because he could not swim,
and because it was with him a choice of being either burned or
drowned. This boy stuck to the burning deck when it was possible for
him at any time to have walked away and left it burning. But he
stayed on because he was amused, and because he was able to help the
soldiers from the city in safety across his native heath. He was
much the best part of the show, and one of the bravest Greeks on the
field. He will grow up to be something fine, no doubt, and his
spirit will rebel against having to spend his life watching his
father's sheep. He may even win the race from Marathon.

Another Greek who was a most interesting figure to us was a
Lieutenant Ambroise Frantzis. He was in command of the mountain
battery on the flat, round top of the high hill. On account of its
height the place seemed much nearer to the sun than any other part of
the world, and the heat there was three times as fierce as in the
trenches below. When you had climbed to the top of this hill it was
like standing on a roof-garden, or as though you were watching a
naval battle from a fighting top of one of the battleships. The top
of the hill was not unlike an immense circus ring in appearance. The
piled-up earth around its circular edge gave that impression, and the
glaring yellow wheat that was tramped into glaring yellow soil, and
the blue ammunition-boxes scattered about, helped out the illusion.
It was an exceedingly busy place, and the smoke drifted across it
continually, hiding us from one another in a curtain of flying yellow
dust, while over our heads the Turkish shells raced after each other
so rapidly that they beat out the air like the branches of a tree in
a storm. On account of its height, and the glaring heat, and the
shells passing, and the Greek guns going off and then turning
somersaults, it was not a place suited for meditation; but Ambroise
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