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Eight Hundred Leagues on the Amazon by Jules Verne
page 45 of 400 (11%)

"Ah! Joam! my Joam!" cried Yaquita, in her joy. "Thank you for me!
Thank you for them!"

And tears of affection came to her eyes as her husband clasped her to
his heart.

At this moment happy voices were heard outside at the door of the

Manoel and Benito appeared an instant after at the threshold, almost
at the same moment as Minha entered the room.

"Children! your father consents!" cried Yaquita. "We are going to

With a grave face, and without speaking a word, Joam Garral received
the congratulations of his son and the kisses of his daughter.

"And what date, father," asked Benito, "have you fixed for the

"Date?" answered Joam. "Date? We shall see. We will fix it at Belem."

"I am so happy! I am so happy!" repeated Minha, as she had done on
the day when she had first known of Manoel's request. "We shall now
see the Amazon in all its glory throughout its course through the
provinces of Brazil! Thanks, father!"

And the young enthusiast, whose imagination was already stirred,
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