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Guide to Life and Literature of the Southwest, with a Few Observations by J. Frank (James Frank) Dobie
page 46 of 247 (18%)
research by scholars on Plains Indian acquisition of horses,
riding, and raiding.

GRINNELL, GEORGE BIRD. _The Cheyenne Indians_, New Haven,
1923. This two-volume work supersedes _The Fighting
Cheyennes_, 1915. It is noble, ample, among the most select
books on Plains Indians. _Blackfoot Lodge Tales: The Story of
a Prairie People_, 1892, shows Grinnell's skill as storyteller
at its best. _Pawnee Hero Stories and Folk Tales_, 1893, is
hardly an equal but it reveals the high values of life held by
representatives of the original plainsmen. _The Story of the
Indian_, 1895, is a general survey. All OP. Grinnell's
knowledge and power as a writer on Indians and animals has not
been sufficiently recognized. He combined in a rare manner
scholarship, plainsmanship, and the worldliness of publishing.

{illust. caption =
George Catlin, in _North American Indians_ (1841)}

HALEY, J. EVETTS. _Fort Concho and the Texas Frontier_, San
Angelo Standard-Times, San Angelo, Texas, 1952. Mainly a
history of military activities against Comanches and other
tribes, laced with homilies on the free enterprise virtues of
the conquerors.

LEE, NELSON. _Three Years among the Comanches_, 1859.

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