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Marm Lisa by Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin
page 4 of 134 (02%)
two others displaying respectively the interior of the human being in
the pink-and-white purity of total abstinence, and the same interior
after years of intemperance had done their fatal work; a most
valuable chart this last, and one that had quenched the thirst of
many a man.

The words 'Poverty Must Go' were wrought in evergreen letters over
the bay window, and various texts were printed in red and black and
tacked to the wall in prominent places. These were such as -

To be a Flesh-Eater is to be a Shedder of Blood and a Destroyer of
God's Innocent Creatures.'

'Now that Man has Begun to Ascend in the Scale of Being, let Woman
Reach Down a Strong, Tender Hand and Aid him in his Struggle for
Moral and Spiritual Elevation.'

'Let the Pleasure Field be as Large as Possible. Pains and Fears
Lessen Growth.'

'I Believe that to Burden, to Bond, to Tax, to Tribute, to
Impoverish, to Grind, to Pillage, to Oppress, to Afflict, to Plunder,
to Vampire the Life Labouring to Create Wealth is the Unpardonable

Over the mantel-shelf was a seaweed picture in a frame of shells,
bearing the inscription, 'Unity Hall, Meeting-Place of the Order of
Present Perfection.' On a table, waiting to be hung in place, was an
impressive sort of map about four feet square. This, like many of
the other ornaments in the room, was a trifle puzzling, and seemed at
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