The Pursuit of the House-Boat by John Kendrick Bangs
page 39 of 127 (30%)
page 39 of 127 (30%)
for fear of losing it, it is such a complete revelation of the actual
condition of affairs in this locality. Ah! this is it," she added, taking a small bit of pasteboard from her card-case. "Read that." The card was passed about, and all the ladies were much astonished-- and naturally so, for it ran this wise: NOTICE TO HOSTESSES. Owing to the very great, constantly growing, and at times vexatious demands upon his time socially, HERR WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART takes this method of announcing to his friends that on and after January 1, 1897, his terms for functions will be as follows: Dinners with conversation on the Marks Theory of Music 500 Dinners with conversation on the Theory of Music, illustrated 750 Dinners without any conversation 300 Receptions, public, with music 1000 " " private, 750 Encores (single) 100 Three encores for 150 Autographs 10 Positively no Invitations for Five-o'Clock Teas or Morning Musicales |