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A Double Barrelled Detective Story by Mark Twain
page 32 of 74 (43%)

"He must be the devil!"

"More than one has thought it. Now I'll tell you a perfectly wonderful
thing that he done. The other night he--"

There was a sudden great murmur of sounds outside, the door flew open,
and an excited crowd burst in, with the camp's one white woman in the
lead and crying:

"My child! my child! she's lost and gone! For the love of God help me
to find Archy Stillman; we've hunted everywhere!"

Said the barkeeper:

"Sit down, sit down, Mrs. Hogan, and don't worry. He asked for a bed
three hours ago, tuckered out tramping the trails the way he's always
doing, and went up-stairs. Ham Sandwich, run up and roust him out; he's
in No. 14."

The youth was soon down-stairs and ready. He asked Mrs. Hogan for

"Bless you, dear, there ain't any; I wish there was. I put her to sleep
at seven in the evening, and when I went in there an hour ago to go to
bed myself, she was gone. I rushed for your cabin, dear, and you wasn't
there, and I've hunted for you ever since, at every cabin down the gulch,
and now I've come up again, and I'm that distracted and scared and
heart-broke; but, thanks to God, I've found you at last, dear heart,
and you'll find my child. Come on! come quick!"
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