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A Double Barrelled Detective Story by Mark Twain
page 41 of 74 (55%)
over him."

"You hain't ever said a truer word than that, Wells-Fargo," said Jake
Parker. "Say, wouldn't it 'a' been nuts if he'd a-been here last night?"

"Oh, by George, but wouldn't it!" said Ferguson. "Then we'd have seen
scientific work. Intellect--just pure intellect--away up on the upper
levels, dontchuknow. Archy is all right, and it don't become anybody to
belittle him, I can tell you. But his gift is only just eyesight, sharp
as an owl's, as near as I can make it out just a grand natural animal
talent, no more, no less, and prime as far as it goes, but no intellect
in it, and for awfulness and marvelousness no more to be compared to what
this man does than--than--Why, let me tell you what he'd have done. He'd
have stepped over to Hogan's and glanced--just glanced, that's all--at
the premises, and that's enough. See everything? Yes, sir, to the last
little detail; and he'll know more about that place than the Hogans would
know in seven years. Next, he would sit down on the bunk, just as ca'm,
and say to Mrs. Hogan--Say, Ham, consider that you are Mrs. Hogan. I'll
ask the questions; you answer them."

"All right; go on."

"'Madam, if you please--attention--do not let your mind wander. Now,
then--sex of the child?'

"'Female, your Honor.'

"'Um--female. Very good, very good. Age?'

"'Turned six, your Honor.'
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