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To Him That Hath: a Tale of the West of Today by Pseudonym Ralph Connor
page 35 of 328 (10%)
can't say I admire much. They grouch and they won't work. Our production
is lower than ever in our history and our labor cost is more than twice
what it was in 1914."

"Well, Dad, give them a little time to settle down. I have no more use
for a slacker than I have for a war millionaire."

"We can't stand much of that thing. Financially we are in fairly good
shape. We broke even with our aeroplane work. But we have a big stock
of spruce on hand--high-priced stuff, too--and a heavy, very heavy
overhead. We shall weather it all right. I don't mind the wages, but we
must have production. And that's why I want you with me."

"You must not depend on me for much use for some time at least. I know a
little about handling men but about machinery I know nothing."

"Never fear, boy, you've got the machine instinct in you. I remember
your holiday work in the mill, you see. But your place is in the office.
Wickes will show you the ropes, and you will make good, I know. And I
just want to say that you don't know how glad I am to have you come in
with me, Jack. If your brother had come back he would have taken hold,
he was cut out for the job, but--"

"Poor old Andy! He had your genius for the business. I wish he had been
the one to get back!"

"We had not the choosing, Jack, and if he had come we should have felt
the same about you. God knows what He is doing, and we can only do our

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