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The Upanishads by Unknown
page 16 of 88 (18%)
In the subsequent verses Vidya and Avidya are used in something the same sense
as "faith" and "works" in the Christian Bible; neither alone can lead to the
ultimate goal, but when taken together they carry one to the Highest. Work
done with unselfish motive purifies the mind and enables man to perceive his
undying nature. From this he gains inevitably a knowledge of God, because the
Soul and God are one and inseparable; and when he knows himself to be one with
the Supreme and Indestructible Whole, he realizes his immortality.


They fall into blind darkness who worship the Unmanifested and
they fall into greater darkness who worship the manifested.


By the worship of the Unmanifested one end is attained; by the
worship of the manifested, another. Thus we have heard from the
wise men who taught us this.


He who knows at the same time both the Unmanifested (the cause of
manifestation) and the destructible or manifested, he crosses
over death through knowledge of the destructible and attains
immortality through knowledge of the First Cause (Unmanifested).

This particular Upanishad deals chiefly with the Invisible Cause and the
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