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The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land by Pseudonym Ralph Connor
page 20 of 445 (04%)
west and the north, "the future is with us. The day is coming when
along this waterway great cities shall be, with factories and humming
industries. These plains, these flowing hills will be the home of
millions of men, and in my lifetime, too."

His eyes began to glow, his face to shine with a rare and fascinating

"Do you know the statistics of your country? Do you know that during the
last twenty years the rate of Canada's growth was three times greater
than ever in the history of the United States? You are a great
commercial nation, but do you know that the per capita rate of Canada's
trade to-day is many times that of the United States? You are a great
agricultural people, but do you know that three-quarters of the wheat
land on this continent is Canadian, and that before many years you will
be coming to Canada for your wheat, yes, and for your flour? Do you see
that river? Do you know that Canada is the richest country in the world
in water power? And more than that, in the things essential to national
greatness,--not these things that you can see, these material things,"
he said, sweeping his hand contemptuously toward the horizon, "but in
such things as educational standards, in administration of justice,
in the customs of a liberty loving people, in religious privileges, in
everything that goes to make character and morale, Canada has already
laid the foundations of a great nation."

He stopped short, abashed, the glow fading from his face, the light from
his eyes.

"Forgive me," he said, with a little laugh. "I am a first class ass.
I fear I was blowing like a fog horn. But when you touch Canada you
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