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The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land by Pseudonym Ralph Connor
page 23 of 445 (05%)
"Oh, heaps," he cried, still laughing.

She smiled upon him, a slightly uncertain smile, and yet as if his
answer somehow satisfied her.

"Good-bye," she said impulsively, offering her hand.

"But you are not going! You're staying a few days!" he gasped.

"No, we're going. We're going right away. Goodbye," she said. "I don't
want those others to see. Goodbye. Oh, it's been a wonderful morning!
And,--and--a friend is a wonderful discovery."

Her hand held his in a strong, warm grasp, but her eyes searched his
face as if seeking something she greatly desired.

"Good-bye. I am sorry you are going," he said, simply. "I want to know
you better."

"Do you?" she cried, with a sudden eagerness in her voice and manner.
Then, "No. You would be disappointed. I am not of your world. But you
shall see me again," she added, as if taking a new resolve. "We are
coming back on a big hunt, and you and your father are to join us. Won't

"Dad said we should," said the youth, smiling at the remembrance.

"And you?" she said, with a touch of impatience.

"If things can so arrange themselves--my work, I mean, and dad's."
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