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The Sky Pilot in No Man's Land by Pseudonym Ralph Connor
page 41 of 445 (09%)
"Well, for one thing, he's always buttin' in," volunteered a
square-built military looking man standing near. "If he'd stick to
his gospel it wouldn't be so bad, but he's always pokin' his nose into

"But he's no that bad," said Innes again, "and as for buttin' in,
McFettridge, and preachin' the gospel, I doubt the country is a good
deal the better for the buttin' in that him and his likes have done this
past year. And besides, the bairns all like him."

"Well, that's not a bad sign, Mr. Innes," said Sandy Bayne, "and I'm not
sure that I don't like him myself. But I guess he butts in, all right."

"Oh, ay! he butts in," agreed Innes, "but I'm no so sure that that's no
a part of his job, too."



The Dunbars lived in a cottage on a back street, which had the
distinction of being the only home on the street which possessed the
adornment of a garden. A unique garden it was, too. Indeed, with the
single exception of Judge Hepburn's garden, which was quite an elaborate
affair, and which was said to have cost the Judge a "pile of money,"
there was none to compare with it in the village of Wapiti.

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