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Clever Woman of the Family by Charlotte Mary Yonge
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"Thou didst refuse the daily round
Of useful, patient love,
And longedst for some great emprise
Thy spirit high to prove."--C. M. N.

"Che mi sedea con l'antica Rachele."--DANTE.

"It is very kind in the dear mother."

"But--what, Rachel? Don't you like it! She so enjoyed choosing it
for you."

"Oh yes, it is a perfect thing in its way. Don't say a word to her;
but if you are consulted for my next birthday present, Grace,
couldn't you suggest that one does cease to be a girl."

"Only try it on, Rachel dear, she will be pleased to see you in it."

"Oh yes, I will bedizen myself to oblige her. I do assure you I am
not ungrateful. It is beautiful in itself, and shows how well nature
can be imitated; but it is meant for a mere girl, and this is the
very day I had fixed for hauling down the flag of youth."

"Oh, Rachel."
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