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The Machine by Upton Sinclair
page 31 of 98 (31%)
ANDREWS. No; he said he'd he back about five.

LAURA. Is he surely coming?

ANDREWS. Oh, yes. He has an important engagement here.

LAURA. He's working very hard these days.

ANDREWS. He has a good deal on his mind just now.

LAURA. It's this Grand Avenue Railroad business.

ANDREWS. Yes. If it should go against him, it would confuse his plans
very much.

LAURA. Is the matter never going to be decided?

ANDREWS. We're expecting the decision any day now. That's why he's so
much concerned. He has to hold the market, you see . . .

LAURA. The decision's liable to affect the market?

ANDREWS. Oh, yes . . . very much, indeed.

LAURA. I see. And then . . .

'Phone rings.

ANDREWS. Excuse me. Hello! Yes, this is Mr. Hegan's place. Mr.
Montague? Why, yes; I believe he's to be here this afternoon. Yes . .
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