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Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1759-65 by Earl of Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield
page 59 of 64 (92%)
Prussia, with his good parts, should reflect upon that trite and true
maxim, 'Qui invidet minor', or Mr. de la Rouchefoucault's, 'Que l'envie
est la plus basse de toutes les passions, puisqu'on avoue bien des
crimes, mais que personae n'avoue l'envie'. I thank God, I never was
sensible of that dark and vile passion, except that formerly I have
sometimes envied a successful rival with a fine woman. But now that cause
is ceased, and consequently the effects.

What shall I, or rather what can I tell you of the political world here?
The late Ministers accuse the present with having done nothing, the
present accuse the late ones with having done much worse than nothing.
Their writers abuse one another most scurrilously, but sometimes with
wit. I look upon this to be 'peloter en attendant partie', till battle
begins in St., Stephen's Chapel. How that will end, I protest I cannot
conjecture; any farther than this, that if Mr. Pitt does not come into
the assistance of the present ministers, they will have much to do to
stand their ground. C-----T------will play booty; and who else have they?
Nobody but C-----, who has only good sense, but not the necessary talents
nor experience, 'AEre ciere viros martemque accendere cantu'. I never
remember, in all my time, to have seen so problematical a state of
affairs, and a man would be much puzzled which side to bet on.

Your guest, Miss C-----, is another problem which I cannot solve. She no
more wanted the waters of Carlsbadt than you did. Is it to show the Duke
of Kingston that he cannot live without her? a dangerous experiment!
which may possibly convince him that he can. There is a trick no doubt in
it; but what, I neither know nor care; you did very well to show her
civilities, 'cela ne gute jamais rien'. I will go to my waters, that is,
the Bath waters, in three weeks or a month, more for the sake of bathing
than of drinking. The hot bath always promotes my perspiration, which is
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