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The South Pole; an account of the Norwegian antarctic expedition in the "Fram," 1910-1912 — Volume 1 by Roald Amundsen
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Contents of Vol. I

Chapter Page

The First Account VII
Introduction, by Fridtjof Nansen XXVII
I. The History of the South Pole 1
II. Plan and Preparations 42
III. On the Way to the South 90
IV. From Madeira to the Barrier 126
V. On the Barrier 169
VI. Depot Journeys 206
VII. Preparing for Winter 259
VIII. A Day at Framheim 283
IX. The End of the Winter 346

List of Illustrations to Vol. I

To Face Page
Roald Amundsen Frontispiece
Approximate Bird's-eye View, Drawn from the First Telegraphic
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