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The Foreigner - A Tale of Saskatchewan by Pseudonym Ralph Connor
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Ralph Connor


In Western Canada there is to be seen to-day that most fascinating
of all human phenomena, the making of a nation. Out of breeds
diverse in traditions, in ideals, in speech, and in manner of life,
Saxon and Slav, Teuton, Celt and Gaul, one people is being made.
The blood strains of great races will mingle in the blood of a race
greater than the greatest of them all.

It would be our wisdom to grip these peoples to us with living hooks
of justice and charity till all lines of national cleavage disappear,
and in the Entity of our Canadian national life, and in the Unity of
our world-wide Empire, we fuse into a people whose strength will
endure the slow shock of time for the honour of our name, for the
good of mankind, and for the glory of Almighty God.

C.W.G. Winnipeg, Canada, 1909.

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