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Memoirs of Napoleon — Volume 07 by Louis Antoine Fauvelet de Bourrienne
page 42 of 105 (40%)
Bonaparte often, and in the presence even of persons whom he conceived to
have maintained relations with the partisans of the Bourbons at Paris,
expressed himself thus: "I will put an end to these conspiracies. If any
of the emigrants conspire they shall be shot. I have been told that
Cobentzel harbours some of them. I do not believe this; but if it be
true, Cobentzel shall be arrested and shot along with them. I will let
the Bourbons know I am not to be trifled with." The above statement of
facts accounts for the suppositions respecting the probable influence of
the Jacobins in this affair. It has been said, not without some
appearance of reason, that to get the Jacobins to help him to ascend the
throne Bonaparte consented to sacrifice a victim of the blood royal, as
the only pledge capable of ensuring them against the return of the
proscribed family. Be this as it may, there are no possible means of
relieving Bonaparte from his share of guilt in the death of the Due

To the above facts, which came within my own knowledge, I may add the
following curious story, which was related to me by an individual who
himself heard it from the secretary of General Davoust.

Davoust was commanding a division in the camp of Boulogne, and his
secretary when proceeding thither to join him met in the diligence a man
who seemed to be absorbed in affliction. This man during the whole
journey never once broke silence but by some deep sighs, which he had not
power to repress. General Davoust's secretary observed him with
curiosity and interest, but did not venture to intrude upon his grief by
any conversation. The concourse of travellers from Paris to the camp
was, however, at that time very great, and the inn at which the diligence
stopped in the evening was so crowded that it was impossible to assign a
chamber to each traveller. Two, therefore, were put into one room, and
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