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Second Shetland Truck System Report by William Guthrie
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W. Heffer and Sons, Ltd., Cambridge, 1960.

Hance D. Smith, Introduction (to facsimile reprint of the Report
of the Commissioners appointed to enquire into the Truck System
(Shetland), Sandwick, 1978.

Hance D. Smith, Shetland Life and Trade, 1550-1914, John Donald
Publishers Ltd., Edinburgh, 1984, ISBN 0859761037.

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The original documents come in a double column, small print format.
Since it isn't possible, or even desirable to reproduce that here, some
alterations have been made. Page numbers are indicated within square
brackets - [Page x]. Tables, which were in even smaller print, have
also been altered somewhat where necessary. In particular, Table I-IV
in the Report section have been split up for ease of use, and put after,
rather than in the middle of the section referring to them. The use of
italics has been indicated by means of the following .

The most obvious typographical errors have been removed, but otherwise
the text is untouched. However, the spelling of place names and personal
names has altered a bit over the years, and the items below cover most of
the obvious problems, as well as some misapprehensions and errors.

now Blance.

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