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Peg O' My Heart by J. Hartley Manners
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Peg O' My Heart

by J. Hartley Manners


"--in that which no waters can quench,
No time forget, nor distance wear away."


Up to the time of publication, December 1922, "Peg o' My Heart" has
been played as a comedy in English in the United States and Canada
in excess of 8000 times, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Ireland in excess of 6000 times, in India 65 times, in the Orient 20
times, in Holland 152 times, and in Scandinavia 23 times. Australia
and New Zealand have seen 701 performances while South Africa has
witnessed 229.

Three companies are playing in France where the total performances
exceed 500, the Belgian figures are not yet available, Spain has two
companies, and Italy five, the total figures for these three
countries last-named running well over a thousand performances. In
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