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The Prospector by Pseudonym Ralph Connor
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ecstatically. "Are they going to play?"

"No, I think not," said Lloyd. "Campbell would not risk any
scrimmaging or tackling this evening, with McGill men even now in
town thirsting for their blood. He's got them out for a run to
limber up their wind and things for to-morrow."

The sisters were football enthusiasts. For the past four years the
beautiful Rosedale home of the Fairbanks had been the rendezvous for
students, and, as many of these had been football men, the young
ladies had become as devoted to the game and almost as expert in its
fine points as any of its champions.

"Don't they look well and fit," exclaimed Betty as the string of
runners went past.

"Yes, and fit they are every man," replied Lloyd. "There's Campbell!
He's a truly great captain, knows his men, and gets out of them all
that is possible."

"Yes, and there's Brown; and McNab, isn't it? Aren't they the
quarters?" asked Betty excitedly.

Lloyd nodded. "And yonder goes `Shock,' the great Shock."

"Oh, where?" cried Betty. "Yes, yes. Now, do you know I think he is
just as mean as he can be. Here I have been bowing and smiling my
best and sweetest for four years, and though he knows a lot of the
men we know he is just as much a stranger as ever," and Betty pouted
in a manner that would have brought deep satisfaction to Shock had
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