Letters of Franz Liszt — Volume 1: from Paris to Rome: Years of Travel as a Virtuoso by Franz Liszt;Translator -- La Mara Constance Bache
page 26 of 543 (04%)
page 26 of 543 (04%)
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also for a short time, in the forties, of Brockhaus's "Deutsche
Allgemeine Zeitung"]--he is gone to London and Berlin. I am most happy in the rooms which were so often our meeting-place. Berlioz sends greetings. As to pere Baillot, he is in Switzerland, at Geneva. So now you can guess that I can't send you the Bach concerto. June 20th, 1833) 7. To Abbe F. de Lamennais [Autograph in the possession of M. Alfred Bovet at Valentigney.-- Addressed to the celebrated French author (1782-1854), who followed his brilliant apology of Catholicism, "Essai sur l'Indifference en Matiere de Religion" (Essay on Indifference in Matters of Religion, 1817-1823), by the "Paroles d'un Croyant" (Words of a Believer, 1834), a veritable "Ode to revolution in the sublimest biblical style," and sought to bring religious and political liberty into accord with true religiousness. The latter work made an unheard-of sensation, but brought upon him the anathema of the Church. He obtained a great influence over Liszt, who was on intimate terms with him.] Four months have actually passed, dear Father, since we parted, and I feel very sad at not getting a word from you!--at the same time I do not wish to complain, for it seems to me that you can never doubt my deep and filial affection...Much more, I even know |