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The Inspector-General by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
page 68 of 169 (40%)
Ho, you! Come here! Quick!

MARYA. It is Dobchinsky, mamma.

ANNA. Of course, you've got to contradict. I tell
you, it's not Dobchinsky.

MARYA. Well, well, mamma? Isn't it Dobchinsky?

ANNA. Yes, it is, I see now. Why do you argue
about it? [Calls through the window.] Hurry up,
quick! You're so slow. Well, where are they? What?
Speak from where you are. It's all the same. What?
He is very strict? Eh? And how about my husband?
[Moves away a little from the window, exasperated.]
He is so stupid. He won't say a word until he is in the


Enter Dobchinsky.

ANNA. Now tell me, aren't you ashamed? You were
the only one I relied on to act decently. They all ran
away and you after them, and till now I haven't been
able to find out a thing. Aren't you ashamed? I stood
godmother to your Vanichka and Lizanko, and this is
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