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The Inspector-General by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
page 73 of 169 (43%)
contrary. You'll look lots better in blue because I'm
going to wear my dun-colored dress. I love dun-color.

MARYA. Oh, mamma, it isn't a bit becoming to you.

ANNA. What, dun-color isn't becoming to me?

MARYA. No, not a bit. I'm positive it isn't. One's
eyes must be quite dark to go with dun-color.

ANNA. That's nice! And aren't my eyes dark?
They are as dark as can be. What nonsense you talk!
How can they be anything but dark when I always draw
the queen of clubs.

MARYA. Why, mamma, you are more like the queen
of hearts.

ANNA. Nonsense! Perfect nonsense! I never was
a queen of hearts. [She goes out hurriedly with Marya
and speaks behind the scenes.] The ideas she gets into
her head! Queen of hearts! Heavens! What do you
think of that?

As they go out, a door opens through which Mishka
sweeps dirt on to the stage. Osip enters from another
door with a valise on his head.

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