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The Inspector-General by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
page 76 of 169 (44%)
points to a piece of paper lying on the floor, and the
Sergeants rush to pick it up, pushing each other in their

KHLESTAKOV. Excellent institutions. I like the way
you show strangers everything in your town. In other
towns they didn't show me a thing.

GOVERNOR. In other towns, I venture to observe, the
authorities and officials look out for themselves more.
Here, I may say, we have no other thought than to win
the Government's esteem through good order, vigilance,
and efficiency.

KHLESTAKOV. The lunch was excellent. I've positively
overeaten. Do you set such a fine table every

GOVERNOR. In honor of so agreeable a guest we

KHLESTAKOV. I like to eat well. That's what a man
lives for--to pluck the flowers of pleasure. What was
that fish called?

ARTEMY [running up to him]. Labardan.

KHLESTAKOV. It was delicious. Where was it we
had our lunch? In the hospital, wasn't it?

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