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The Inspector-General by Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol
page 79 of 169 (46%)
over cards!

LUKA LUKICH [aside]. But he faroed me out of a
hundred rubles yesterday, the rascal.

GOVERNOR. I'd rather employ my time for the benefit
of the state.

KHLESTAKOV. Oh, well, that's rather going too far.
It all depends upon the point of view. If, for instance,
you pass when you have to treble stakes, then of course--
No, don't say that a game of cards isn't very tempting


The above, Anna Andreyevna and Marya Antonovna.

GOVERNOR. Permit me to introduce my family, my
wife and daughter.

KHLESTAKOV [bowing]. I am happy, madam, to have
the pleasure of meeting you.

ANNA. Our pleasure in meeting so distinguished a
person is still greater.

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