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Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle by Victor [pseud.] Appleton
page 25 of 179 (13%)
"Well, does this end the test?" asked Ned.

"No, indeed. I want you to try it, while I look on," spoke Tom. "We
haven't any more stuffed figures to fire at, but I'll set up some
targets. Come on, try your luck at a shot."

"I'm afraid I might disturb Mr. Moker, or some of the neighbors."

"No danger. I've got it adjusted right now. Come on, see if you can
shatter this steel target," and Tom set up a small one at the end of
the range.

Then, having properly fixed the weapon, Tom handed it to his chum,
and, taking his place in a protected part of the gallery, prepared
to watch the effect of the shot.

"Let her go!" cried Tom, and Ned pressed the button.

The effect was wonderful. Though there was no noise, smoke nor
flame, the steel plate seemed to crumple up, and collapse as if it
had been melted in the fire. There was a jagged hole through the
center, but some frail boards back of it were not even splintered.

"Good shot!" cried Tom enthusiastically. "I had the distance gage
right that time."

"You sure did," agreed Ned. "The electric bullet stopped as soon as
it did its work on the plate. What's next?"

"I'm going to try a difficult test," explained Tom. "You know I said
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