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Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle by Victor [pseud.] Appleton
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man, while aged, was rugged and hearty, and his skin was tanned a
leathery brown, showing that he was much in the open air.

"I'm a hunter," was the reply, "a hunter of big game, principally
elephants, hippos and rhinoceroses. I've just finished a season in
Africa, and I'm going back there again soon. I came on to New York
to get a new elephant gun. I've got a sister living over in
Waterford, and I've been visiting her. I went out for a stroll to-
day, and I came farther than I intended. That's how I happened to be
passing here."

"A sister in Waterford, eh?" mused Tom, wondering whether the
elephant hunter had met Mr. Damon. "And how soon are you going hack
to Africa, Mr.--er--" and Tom hesitated.

"Durban is my name, Alexander Durban," said the old man. "Why, I am
to start back in a few weeks. I've got an order for a pair of big
elephant tusks--the largest I can get for a wealthy New York man,--
and I'm anxious to fulfil the contract. The game isn't what it once
was. There's more competition and the elephants are scarcer. So I've
got to hustle."

"I got me a new gun. but my! it's nothing to what yours is. With
that weapon I could do about as I pleased. I could do night hunting,
which is hard in the African jungle. Then I wouldn't have any
trouble getting the big tusks I'm after. I could get a pair of them,
and live easy the rest of my life. Yes, I wouldn't ask anything
better than a gun like yours. But I s'pose they cost like the
mischief?" He looked a question at Tom.

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