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Tom Swift and His Electric Rifle by Victor [pseud.] Appleton
page 8 of 179 (04%)
"I certainly wish I could have some new adventures," mused Tom, as
he turned the pages of the paper. "I could afford to take a trip
around the earth after them, too, with the way money is coming in
now. Yes, I do wish I could have some excitement. Hello, what's
this! A big elephant hunt in Africa. Hundreds of the huge creatures
captured in a trap--driven in by tame beasts. Some are shot for
their tusks. Others will be sent to museums."

He was reading the headlines of the article that had attracted his
attention, and, as he read, he became more and more absorbed in it.
He read the story through twice, and then, with sparkling eyes, he

"That's just what I want. Elephant shooting in Africa! My! With my
new electric rifle, and an airship, what couldn't a fellow do over
in the dark continent! I've a good notion to go there! I wonder if
Ned would go with me? Mr. Damon certainly would. Elephant shooting
in Africa! In an airship! I could finish my new sky craft in short
order if I wanted to. I've a good notion to do it!"



While Tom Swift is thus absorbed in thinking about a chance to hunt
elephants, we will take the opportunity to tell you a little more
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