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Landholding in England by of Youghal the younger Joseph Fisher
page 41 of 123 (33%)
and is edited by John Selden. Page 173 has the following:

"Hae sunt Leges et Consuetudines quas Willielmus Rex concessit
universo Populo Angliae post subactam terram. Eaedum sunt quas
Edwardus Rex cognatus ejus obscruauit ante eum.

"Ces sont les leis et les Custums que le Rui people de Engleterre
apres le Conquest de le Terre. Ice les meismes que le Rui Edward
sun Cosin tuit devant lui.


"De fide et obsequio erga Regnum.

"Statuimus etiam ut omnes liiben homines foedere et sacramento
affirment quod intra et extra universum regnum Anglias (quod olim
vocabatur regnum Britanniae) Willielmo suo domino fideles esse
volunt, terras et honores illins fidelitate ubique servare cum eo
et contra inimicos et alienigonas defendere."]

This simple statement gets rid of the theory of Sir Martin Wright,
of Sir William Blackstone, of Mr. Hallam, and of Mr. FREEMAN, that
William introduced a new system, and that he did so either as a new
feudal law or as an amendment upon the existing feudalism. The LII.
law, quoted by Wright, is as follows:

"We have decreed that all FREE MEN should affirm on oath, that both
within and without the whole kingdom of England (which is called
Britain) they desire to be faithful to William their lord, and
everywhere preserve unto him his land and honors with fidelity, and
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