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Robur the Conqueror by Jules Verne
page 101 of 217 (46%)

"That is what I think, and very shortly you shall have an opportunity
of judging."

Impossible to be more agreeable!

The "Albatross" then gliding southeast, had her course changed four
points, so as to head to the eastward.

Chapter XII


During, the night the fog cleared off. There were symptoms of an
approaching typhoon--a rapid fall of the barometer, a disappearance
of vapor, large clouds of ellipsoid form clinging to a copper sky,
and, on the opposite horizon, long streaks of carmine on a
slate-colored field, with a large sector quite clear in the north.
Then the sea was smooth and calm and at sunset assumed a deep scarlet

Fortunately the typhoon broke more to the south, and had no other
result than to sweep away the mist which had been accumulating during
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