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Robur the Conqueror by Jules Verne
page 33 of 217 (15%)
"A system," replied Robur, "no more to be condemned than that whose
martyrology contains the names of Pilatre de Rozier at Calais, of
Blanchard at Paris, of Donaldson and Grimwood in Lake Michigan, of
Sivel and of Croce-Spinelli, and others whom it takes good care, to

This was a counter-thrust with a vengeance.

"Besides," continued Robur, "With your balloons as good as you can
make them you will never obtain any speed worth mentioning. It would
take you ten years to go round the world--and a flying machine could
do it in a week!"

Here arose a new tempest of protests and denials which lasted for
three long minutes. And then Phil Evans look up the word.

"Mr. Aviator," he said "you who talk so much of the benefits of
aviation, have you ever aviated?"

"I have."

"And made the conquest of the air?"

"Not unlikely."

"Hooray for Robur the Conqueror!" shouted an ironical voice.

"Well, yes! Robur the Conqueror! I accept the name and I will bear
it, for I have a right to it!"

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