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Robur the Conqueror by Jules Verne
page 65 of 217 (29%)
to last for months. Such were the outfit and stores of the aeronef--
in addition to the famous trumpet.

There was besides a light india-rubber boat, insubmersible, which
could carry eight men on the surface of a river, a lake, or a calm

But were there an parachutes in case of accident? No. Robur did not
believe in accidents of that kind. The axes of the screws were
independent. The stoppage of a few would not affect the motion of the
others; and if only half were working, the "Albatross" could still
keep afloat in her natural element.

"And with her," said Robur to his guests--guests in spite of
themselves--"I am master of the seventh part of the world, larger
than Africa, Oceania, Asia, America, and Europe, this aerial Icarian
sea, which millions of Icarians will one day people."

Chapter VIII


The President of the Weldon Institute was stupefied; his companion
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