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Fromont and Risler — Volume 1 by Alphonse Daudet
page 4 of 87 (04%)
(1890); Rose et Ninette (1892); La petite Parvisse (1895); and Soutien de
Famille (1899)'; such is the long list of the great life-artist. In Le
Nabab we find obvious traces of Daudet's visits to Algiers and Corsica-
Mora is the Duc de Morny. Sapho is the most concentrated of his novels,
with never a divergence, never a break, in its development. And of the
theme--legitimate marriage contra common-law--what need be said except
that he handled it in a manner most acceptable to the aesthetic and least
offensive to the moral sense?

L'Immortel is a satire springing from personal reasons; L'Evangeliste and
Rose et Ninette--the latter on the divorce problem--may be classed as
clever novels; but had Daudet never written more than 'Fromont et
Risler', 'Tartarin sur les Alces', and 'Port Tarascon', these would keep
him in lasting remembrance.

We must not omit to mention also many 'contes' and his 'Trente ans de
Paris (A travers ma vie et mes livres), Souvenirs d'un Homme de lettres
(1888), and Notes sur la Vie (1899)'.

Alphonse Daudet died in Paris, December 16, 1897

de l'Academie Francaise.

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