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Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini by Benvenuto Cellini
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Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini

[Redactor's Note: This version of the Autobiography, one of the most
famous of all time, was translated by John Addington Symonds
(1840-1893). Cellini lived from 1500-1571. This version is in ASCII
and is also supplied in a single file HTML version. ]


The Autobiography of
Benvenuto Cellini

Translated By
John Addington Symonds

With Introduction and Notes
Volume 31


Introductory Sonnet

THIS tale of my sore-troubled life I write,
To thank the God of nature, who conveyed
My soul to me, and with such care hath stayed
That divers noble deeds I've brought to light.
'Twas He subdued my cruel fortune's spite:
Life glory virtue measureless hath made
Such grace worth beauty be through me displayed
That few can rival, none surpass me quite.
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