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Address to the Inhabitants of the Colonies, established in New South Wales And Norfolk Island by Richard Johnson
page 17 of 42 (40%)
the word of the living God. They certainly deserve your closest and
most careful attention, since it is plain beyond a doubt, that upon
your knowledge or ignorance, your acceptance or rejection of this
gospel, your everlasting happiness or misery must depend.

Brethren, I do not ask you, what religious persuasion or denomination
you have espoused. I fear, that, if I may judge of your hearts by
your actions, too many are destitute of any sense of religion at all.
But I do not address you as Churchmen or Dissenters, Roman Catholics or
Protestants, as Jews or Gentiles; I suppose, yea, I know, that there
are persons of every denomination amongst you. But I speak to you as
men and women, as intelligent creatures, possessed of understanding
and reason. I speak to you as mortals, and yet immortals; as
sinners, who have broken the laws of God, and are therefore obnoxious
to his displeasure. And my sole aim and desire is, to be instrumental
in turning you from darkness to light, from sin to holiness, from the
power of Satan to the service and favour of God [Acts xxvi. 18.].

Seek then, I beseech you, above all things, an interest in the
blessings of the gospel. Be assured it is a matter of much less moment,
whether you are rich or poor, respected or despised in this world. The
rich have their cares, fears, crosses, and vexations, no less than the
poor; but admitting that they could pass through life with greater ease
than others, we all know that they cannot escape death. The great point
is, how we shall die? whether as believers or unbelievers, as saints
or sinners. One soul, according to our Lord's declaration, is of
more value than the whole world [Mark viii. 36.]. If you lose your soul,
you lose all at once. You lose heaven and happiness for ever.
Whatever, therefore, you do, or leave undone, for God's sake,
and for your own sakes, neglect not for one day or hour longer,
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