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The King's Jackal by Richard Harding Davis
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Sultan's guest, and as they could speak no language but their
own, they made a visit to his Majesty more a matter of
adventure than of etiquette.

Niccolas, the King's majordomo, stepped out upon the terrace
and swept the Mediterranean with a field-glass for the third
time since sunrise. He lowered it, and turned doubtfully
toward the two soldiers.

"The boat from Gibraltar--has she arrived yet?" he asked.

The two ebony figures shook their heads stiffly, as though
they resented this introduction of a foreign language, and
continued to shake their heads as the servant addressed the
same question to them in a succession of strange tongues.

"Well," said Colonel Erhaupt, briskly, as he followed Niccolas
out upon the terrace, "has the boat arrived? And the launch
from the yacht," he continued, "has it started for shore yet?"

The man pointed to where the yacht lay, a mile outside the
harbor, and handed him the glass.

"It is but just now leaving the ship's side," he said. "But I
cannot make out who comes in her. Ah, pardon," he added
quickly, as he pointed to a stout elderly gentleman who walked
rapidly toward them through the garden. "The Gibraltar boat
must be in, sir. Here is Baron Barrat coming up the path."

Colonel Erhaupt gave an exclamation of satisfaction, and waved
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