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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 03: February 1659-1660 by Samuel Pepys
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enough. In the Hall I understand how Monk is this morning gone into
London with his army; and met with Mr. Fage, who told me that he do
believe that Monk is gone to secure some of the Common-council of the
City, who were very high yesterday there, and did vote that they would not
pay any taxes till the House was filled up. I went to my office, where I
wrote to my Lord after I had been at the Upper Bench, where Sir Robert

[Sir Robert Pye, the elder, was auditor of the Exchequer, and a
staunch Royalist. He garrisoned his house at Faringdon, which was
besieged by his son, of the same names, a decided Republican, son-
in-law to Hampden, and colonel of horse under Fairfax. The son,
here spoken of, was subsequently committed to the Tower for
presenting a petition to the House of Commons from the county of
Berks, which he represented in Parliament, complaining of the want
of a settled form of government. He had, however, the courage to
move for an habeas corpus, but judge Newdigate decided that the
courts of law had not the power to discharge him. Upon Monk's
coming to London, the secluded members passed a vote to liberate
Pye, and at the Restoration he was appointed equerry to the King.
He died in 1701.--B.]

this morning came to desire his discharge from the Tower; but it could not
be granted. After that I went to Mrs. Jem, who I had promised to go along
with to her Aunt Wright's, but she was gone, so I went thither, and after
drinking a glass of sack I went back to Westminster Hall, and meeting with
Mr. Pierce the surgeon, who would needs take me home, where Mr. Lucy,
Burrell, and others dined, and after dinner I went home and to Westminster
Hall, where meeting Swan I went with him by water to the Temple to our
Counsel, and did give him a fee to make a motion to-morrow in the
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