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Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 27: March 1663-64 by Samuel Pepys
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passage. By and by into his closet and did our business with him. But I
did not speed as I expected in a business about the manner of buying hemp
for this year, which troubled me, but it proceeds only from my pride, that
I must needs expect every thing to be ordered just as I apprehend, though
it was not I think from my errour, but their not being willing to hear and
consider all that I had to propose. Being broke up I followed my Lord
Sandwich and thanked him for his putting me into the Fishery, which I
perceive he expected, and cried "Oh!" says he, "in the Fishery you mean.
I told you I would remember you in it," but offered no other discourse.
But demanding whether he had any commands for me, methought he cried "No!"
as if he had no more mind to discourse with me, which still troubles me
and hath done all the day, though I think I am a fool for it, in not
pursuing my resolution of going handsome in clothes and looking high, for
that must do it when all is done with my Lord. Thence by coach with Sir
W. Batten to the city, and his son Castle, who talks mighty highly against
Captain Tayler, calling him knave, and I find that the old Boating father
is led and talks just as the son do, or the son as the father would have
him. 'Light and to Mr. Moxon's, and there saw our office globes in doing,
which will be very handsome but cost money. So to the Coffee-house, and
there very fine discourse with Mr. Hill the merchant, a pretty, gentile,
young, and sober man. So to the 'Change, and thence home, where my wife
and I fell out about my not being willing to have her have her gowne
laced, but would lay out the same money and more on a plain new one. At
this she flounced away in a manner I never saw her, nor which I could ever
endure. So I away to the office, though she had dressed herself to go see
my Lady Sandwich. She by and by in a rage follows me, and coming to me
tells me in spitefull manner like a vixen and with a look full of rancour
that she would go buy a new one and lace it and make me pay for it, and
then let me burn it if I would after she had done it, and so went away in
a fury. This vexed me cruelly, but being very busy I had, not hand to
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